Friday, November 2, 2007

Blogger Beginnings...

Today... Yeah! I started my first Blog! I have several friends with their own sites and those that blog on their MySpace sites... I love going out to see if there's a new entry or new pictures. It's been a great way to feel a little bit closer to people I miss.

Today's entry is a short trial entry... but I'm hoping this is only my Blogger Beginning...


Margo said...

Holy cow, you gots a blog! ;) Good to see you. I'm going to add you to my friends list so I can keep track of ya. :)

Ame said...

Fabulous! Now... I just have to start blogging!!!

Anonymous said...

Wooohooo! Congrats Ame, I can't wait to see what all you come up with for your new blog space. And if you evern need help, don't think twice about emailing. I'll add you to my amigas too! Yeah!